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RECAP | Mentorship Kickoff Recap

I attended the first workshop for the WICT Mentorship Program on Thursday June 23rd that was led by Marina Field, Ph.D. The focus for this workshop was Embracing Your Strengths and truthfully while I was completing the pre-work for this workshop, I was a bit skeptical. I knew I was going to be walking into a room full of very accomplished, talented women (and after arriving a handful of men too) so of course my first thought was self-doubt. Once in the room I looked around and that first thought of self-doubt really set in, until the presentation started. After covering the basics of what a mentorship is we jumped into the workshop and I was expecting to start off with what are your strengths, but to my surprise Marina led with what we think holds us back. As everyone around the room was sharing, I started to realize that a lot of us deal with the same beliefs that are inhibiting us. Within 15 minutes of being in the room my self-doubt was shattered, and I realized the only thing that stands in the way of accomplishing my goals are the doubts I have about myself. This first workshop was very eye-opening in more ways than one and that excites me for what’s to come. In joining this mentorship, I had hoped to grow my network and find the best paths to achieve the professional goals I set for myself. After attending this workshop, I realized that I’m also going to be shattering the glass ceilings that I had built to limit myself.

Provided to us by:  Shradha Doshi – Sr. Agile Product Owner, Comcast Product Management and Strategy

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