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“Story Time: Sparking Your Growth, Journey & Resilience” – Post Event Recap

On Wednesday evening, October 25th, I attended “Story Time: Sparking Your Growth, Journey & Resilience” event hosted by WICT Greater Philadelphia.

Ricki Lang moderated the event with authors Nicole Faust Cohen and Megan Miller.

After introductions they jumped into a conversation that I personally found very compelling. Authenticity and confidence were key discussion areas. It starts with us finding our authentic selves and rewriting the narrative that many of us have on autoplay in our heads. Confidence is centered in finding what is right for us and in bringing our true self to work. Taking time to find a centering practice can be very helpful in nurturing confidence. The insights and stories shared by Ricki, Nicole and Megan help us to normalize our own experiences. Stories have the power to transform us and others as we have so much more in common than different. During Q&A the questions kept coming from the energized and inspired audience. One question on resiliency offered advice to learn the lesson offered by the adversity, to control our response, then to focus on what’s next. A raffle was held to end the evening and several lucky participants took home a copy of Nicole’s book, “Improv at Work” or Megan’s book. “Voices of the 21st Century: Women Transforming the World”. I did not win a copy of ether book but plan to purchase my own copies to continue to learn and grow from these amazing women.

To learn more about The WICT Network and upcoming programming, please visit us at

Provided to us by: Celia Engman, Executive Director-IS Solutions; WICT Member & Volunteer

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